Mental health problems can affect anyone, but there’s plenty of things you can do to try and help your general wellbeing.
There are ten steps to wellbeing – everyday actions and activities which can improve your mood and overall mental health if you do them regularly.
Read on to find out how to look after your state of mind.
Ten steps to wellbeing
Keep active
Experts believe exercise releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel good. Doing regular exercise can help you concentrate, sleep, look and feel better. Exercise also boosts your self-esteem and keeps the brain and other vital organs healthy.
Drink sensibly
Some people drink to block out their problems, but the effect is only temporary. When the drink wears off, you feel worse because of the way alcohol withdrawal symptoms affect your brain and the rest of your body. Drinking is not a good way to manage your feelings.
Do something you’re good at
Do you have a hobby or activity you enjoy doing? Maybe you like watching sport or checking out a casino vr review ahead of a night playing cards with friends? Enjoying yourself helps beat stress. Doing an activity you enjoy probably means you’re good at it and achieving something boosts your mood.
Eat well
Food can have a long-term effect on your mental health. Your brain needs a mix of nutrients to stay healthy and function well, just like the other organs in your body. There are strong links between what we eat and how we feel. For example, caffeine and sugar can have an immediate impact but the effects can soon wear off.
Keep in touch
Friends, family and work colleagues can help you feel included and cared for. They can offer different views from whatever’s going on inside your mind. They can help keep you active, keep you grounded and help you tackle practical problems, so make sure you keep in touch with the people in your life.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. We can all get run down or feel overwhelmed by life’s trials and tribulations, so if things get too much and you feel you can’t cope, ask for help. The people around you can often put a different slant on problems, helping you to get through tricky times.
It’s OK to talk
Talking about your feelings can aid your mental health and help you deal with times when you feel under the weather. Talking about your feelings isn’t a sign of weakness, but a part of taking control of your wellbeing and doing what you can to stay healthy. Talking to a professional (be it in person or online – go now to discover more about online therapy) is something that can really help you regain control of your mental health and give you helpful strategies to deal with any negative thoughts that may try to intrude in the future.
Take a break
Whether it’s a night with your feet up in front of the television, a long walk in the countryside, or a two-week holiday in Lanzarote, a change of pace is good for your mental health. Even a few minutes away-from-it-all can be enough to take the stress out of your day. ‘Me time’ is important time – make sure you get some.
Accept who you are
Everyone is different. Accepting who you are rather than striving to become someone else is crucial to our wellbeing. Surrounding yourself with people who judge us for who we are as opposed to who they want you to be is also good for positive mental health. If you are constantly worrying about what other people think of you, you are going to start developing anxiety every time you step out of your front door. If this is the case, you could try some low paranoia strains of medical cannabis. This will help to ease your mind when you encounter difficult social situations, without giving you the typical side effect of paranoia that cannabis can often give to people. A low paranoia strain is important as you want to feel better, not worse, so it might be the better option for you.
Care for others
Being nice to other people can make us feel good about ourselves. Have you got an elderly relative? Pop in from time-to-time and make a difference to their day – you’ll feel better for doing it. Or you could share your skills more widely by volunteering for a local charity. Helping others make us feel valued and that boosts our self-esteem.
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