Travel to Nigeria – The Dos and Don’t

Travel to Nigeria – The Dos and Don’t

If you’re thinking of visiting a foreign country, especially one where English is not spoken, and travelling by road, Nigeria is an ideal destination. The country has a great deal to offer both cultural and historic sites. The government in Lagos, Nigeria put and enforce strict entry requirements for tourists intending to visit the country. For more information about entry requirements and how you can travel without a visa, contact either the embassy consulate or high commission of the country you are travelling to.

You must also check with your chosen transport company or travel business to ensure that your passport and other travel papers meet their stringent requirements prior to departure. Before travelling to Nigeria you will need to ensure that you have all the relevant documents in hand. For example, you will need at least six months’ supply of valid Nigerian or British nationality, at least six months’ supply of unexpired British National (EML) or European Union (EU) passport, at least six months’ supply of valid Indian citizens’ passport or at least six months’ supply of unexpired Chinese citizens’ passport. You may need additional visa documentation as per the country you are travelling to. Most airlines operate on a normal schedule of departures and arrive at their destinations on different days, so do check if your flight is scheduled for departure from and arrival at the same time from your home port.

It is important to keep your passport in its original condition and pass through security screening at all times in Nigeria. You will need to provide your name, date of birth, address, telephone number and contact details at the time of application. The issuer of your Nigerian passport will advise you about any changes to your details and how to cancel or renew your passport. It is important to remember that all passengers travelling to Nigeria must have a valid passport when boarding your flight.

You may be asked to produce identity documents such as your driver’s licence, national ID or passbook, when travelling to Lagos, Abuja or Lagos suburb. Your passport will be examined carefully by customs officials. It is possible that you may be asked to produce a US Passport upon arrival at Lagos. A copy of your flight schedule and all contact information should be with you. You should avoid carrying large sums of cash or other items which could be confiscated.

Once you reach Lagos, contact your closest travel health and transport services provider to arrange an appointment with an immunologist or doctor. It is important to know whether you require any special treatment when travelling to Lagos. Your treatment may include a blood test, which would be conducted to determine if you are infected with a known virus that might be entering Lagos. This would be one of the easiest tests to carry out while travelling to Nigeria. At your appointment with the doctor, ensure that all of your passport details including your arrival and departure countries are accurately recorded.

If you have any particular medical concerns or require prescription medication, you will be directed to a private vendor who will procure it for you from a private vendor in Lagos. Alternatively, you can use a public health pharmacy in kaduna. Some public health pharmacies in kaduna also stock a small range of drugs including a known brand of the hepatitis C virus that was responsible for the death of a Canadian tourist in Lagos, Canada. For medical emergencies, dial 911 or contact your nearest medical centre in Lagos or elsewhere in Nigeria.